Many Hats

Many Hats
Many Hats

Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday Morning Music (OK, it's not morning, but I did have the day off afterall)

So, I was listening to some of my niece's music while she was working on a paper (that is due tomorrow) and one of the song's was "Stay" by Sugarland.  While I enjoy some of Sugarland's stuff, I find I am not overly happy with this one.  I am offended by the wishy washy woman hoping the phone doesn't ring calling her married lover back to his wife.  I am morally opposed to women allowing themselves to be used and thrown away whether they are the wife or the other woman.  So I was inspired to find music that shows women as strong and independent beings who take crap from no one.  These are the type of women I look up to and they type I strive to be.  Please do not thisnk that this means I hate men or think they a re all without worth.  On the contrary, I have had the opportunity to many quite a few real men who are strong, loyal and true.  Men who deserve and stay with these type of strong women.  So, here are just a few of the songs I came across about strong, take-no-crap women.  Enjoy!

Aaron Tippen - Kiss This

Miranda Lambert - White Liar

Carrie Underwood - Before He Cheats

Laura Bell Bundy - Giddy On Up

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