Many Hats

Many Hats
Many Hats

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Instead of a "stright to my fat hips" Snack - from my Woman's Hat

It is January, late January but January none the less; and we all know that January is when we re-evaluate what is going well in our lives and what would we like to change as well.  Like most people, I tend to think in negatives instead of positives so of course I have focused on the fact that I carry around a few more pounds than I should...Ok, a lot more pounds, and once again I am trying to fix this situation.

My very dear friend, Missy, who is my inspiration, confidant, cheerleader and fellow leave turner, and I have made charts (Ok, Karly made the charts...with glitter pens!) weighed in and set our final goals as well as 2 short term goals.  I found an app (because I LOVE them!) to keep track of my daily calories and such.  We txt and/or talk on a pretty much daily basis to keep each other going and to make plans for how to proceed.  (We talk daily anyway but know we have even more to talk about!) 

All of this is great and I am staying on track (since we weighed in yesterday that means I have been on track for almost 24 hours proud of myself!) but I know that evening if my downfall.  I don't over eat because I am hungry or because my body is craving a specific nutrient.  I am not over eating and fat because of stress (although with a 15 year old in the house, believe me, there is STRESS!), I over eat because I get bored.  Yep, simple and stupid.  TV is boring and I'm just sitting here relaxing...let's find something to stuff in my mouth and make me fatter!  Since I know this is my biggest problem area (ok, that and the fact that I am just sitting on the couch growing like a spud) I decided to make a list of all the things I could do int he evening that do not include stuffing myself with delicious, horrible, high calorie and processed flour fat packing snacks.  Here we go...

1.  Craft.  I know how to crochet so I'm thinking that many people in my life might just have to suck it up and deal with hand made scarfs, hats, scrubbies and anything else I can find a pattern for.  I found a terrific website for patterns.  If you are a knitter (a skill that is beyond my abilities) you can find patterns for those here.  Other crafts are options as well of course, like scrapbooking, photoshopping, cross stich or others.  If I start talking about doing plastic canvas, shoot me in the head.

2.  Exercise.  I plan on finding the yoga on demand so I can ease in to the whole exercising thing.  Once I get a little stamina and strength I can work my way up to more strenuous stuff like aerobics, quick walking, weights and my favorite, kickboxing.  I also have a Pussycat dancing DVD I'm pretty stoked about trying after I'm able to exercise some without passing out or drowning in my own sweat.

3.  Read.  This one should be easy and hard at the same time.  Easy:  I LOVE to read.  Give me a few hours and a book and leave me the heck alone, I will devour that sucker.  Unfortunately because this is a long time habit (one I'm NOT willing to break) it has in the past gone hand in hand with snacking.  I'm gonna keep reading, I just have to get in the habit of reading without eating.

4.  Write.  Since I have to use my hands to write/type, this will be a wonderful, for me, way to stop the snacking.  Too bad for all of you (all 6 of you) that it means more posts you have to wade through or at least pretend to wade through.  I appreciate your sacrifice.

5.  Dreaming about Girl's Night! (contributed from the Fabulous Missy).  Since we get to celebrate the small victories on the way to the grand slam, our first benchmark of 5% of our body weight will be marked with a Girl's Night Out.  Dancing, laughing, drink, shot water and the hubby (of hers) to hold our purses and make sure we get home.  (Thanks Todd)  Shakin' our bootys all over the town, oh yea!  The best part is shakin' it with my bestie but ranking pretty high on the pleasure scale is embarrassing the crap out of my daughter, who thinks I dance really badly, so we dance with her as often as we can, lol.

6.  Clean.  This is pretty far down on the list for a really good reason...I hate to clean.  However, if I can't get my head around any of the other ideas, I could do this.  Added bonus, clean house.  Besides, cleaning dishes and cleaning the kitchen will make me not want to snack so I don't have to clean it all over again.  Besides, I could be a serious hottie cleaning and scrubbing and I could play loud music and dance while I clean, AND, I could make my daughter help with the cleaning.  That's a triple bonus!  House clean, my svelte and daughter embarrassed!

7.  Do My Nails.  Point 1, can't snack and paint your nails.  Point 2, can't snack with wet nails.  Point 3, pretty nails.  This is what we call a win, win, win!

8.  Smoke.  I don't recommend this one but since I will be switching over to the electronic cigarettes again I think I can use it as a snacking deterrent.  No bad breath, kick the smoking habit and lose weight.  It's all good.

9.  Chew gum.  It's not really snaking but maybe I can fool my mouth into thinking it is.  Besides, it will exercise my jaw muscles (not that they need it) and it's good for your teeth after dinner (the sugar free kind of course).

I think that's pretty good start to a "No Snacking" plan.  If you have any suggestions, I would welcome your input.

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