My crack? Facebook games.
Yep, those pesky little games that keep popping up unwanted and numerous posts on your page for ridiculous achievements like "So and So has just defeated the terrible Snow Cone Beast Yeti!" or some quirky request like "So and So is in desperate need of Sparkly Spackle for their Fairy Castle".
I know you all thought better of me but the truth is, I really like them. I can build my kingdom, cottage, store or zombie hoard in between meetings, appointments, while cooking dinner or relaxing in the evening. I can ignore the filthy living room while I desperately try to get some small last piece to complete the puzzle so I can unlock the next completely frustrating puzzle and start all over again. What's not to love about all that?!
They are very clever in creating these games, you must admit. They lead you through the very colorful world to teach you the basic game (which is very similar to this other game you are playing and the 4 others you no longer play, but have fond memories of, so you feel like a pro very quickly. That's a good feeling. Then, you manage to go up at least 1 level while doing the lead through. Wow, a whole level already?! This is easy! And they might even be some pretty colors and smiling characters to share your joy at leveling. Wow, they must really like me in their world! Now, along comes a challenge. Uh-oh, have to think a bit, no wait, they explain all about how to finish off the challenge and then the smiling happy characters come back and another level rolls over! This is awesome. Friends? Of course I could add friends! I'm sure everyone on my list would LOVE to play this game, it's so awesome! I know some of them have asked me not to invite them but really, this game is so much better than all the rest that I am sure they would love it if they just gave it a shot. And the pretty lights suck me in again.
I am trying to manage my addiction. really, I am. I only play between 3 and 4 games at any given time and once they start making too complicated, or more importantly, too invasive so I feel uncomfortable continually asking my friends to send me stuff, I typically delete and move on to another game.
I enjoy the "build your own..." type as well as the puzzles so at least I am getting a variety when I play and there is a bit of educational content involved in some of the games. Words With Friends was quite challenging as I am a rotten speller (really glad spell check was invented and is now a standard on most machines and applications) so finding words I knew and could spell that would get me any kind of points at all was always a challenge.
I do wish some of the games were a little less pushy about getting more people to sign up and/or spending actual cash on buying tokens, crowns or what have you just so your zoo, farm, treehouse can look extra spiffy. I do have a firm policy on not ever giving these games real money. I work too hard for my money to blow it on some silly game that I will not be interested in playing anymore after 3 months.
So, there it is, I have confessed my addiction and I throw myself at your mercy. I hope you can overlook this small failing in me (as we all know I have many larger one to be more worried about) Love me, hate me, play games with me!
And if anyone has an Ultra Cool WiFi Enhancing Techie Hat, let me know, cause I'm still looking for one.
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