Many Hats

Many Hats
Many Hats

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Power of Words

         Have you ever thought about how powerful a word can be?  Think about it, with just 1 word you can rip a person apart or sew their lives back together.  You can make sunshine out of a thunderstorm or bring on the blackest night that never ends.  Too much?  Let me give an example.   
Suppose you spent 3 hours getting ready to go out.  You have pampered and primped, picked the perfect outfit, spent extra time getting your hair and make up as near to perfection as possible and the image in the mirror is so stunning you can hardly believe it’s real.  You step into party/club/gathering for which you have prepared and you feel like a million bucks.  All is right with your world and you are ready to conquer Mt. Rushmore.  Then you see someone in the corner point at you and you just overhear them talking to their friend, sneering and the only word you hear is “Heifer”.  Now how do you feel?  

 Yep, words have power; a lot of power.  They have the power to heal as well though.  For example, imagine you have had the worst week of your life.  You lost your job, your car broke down, you boyfriend/girlfriend/husband or wife has confessed to cheating for the past 3 years and they no longer want to have anything to do with you and, oh yea, they have already cleared out your joint bank account so now you can't even buy a bottle to drown your sorrows.  Ok,  that is a truly crappy week, but you happen to see an old friend while you are wandering mindlessly around the block contemplating what else could possibly happen to you and the largest smile lights up their face, they open their arms and grab you in a vicious bear hug and and say, "Dude!" with all the enthusiasm of a starving man in front of a Christmas banquet.  

Words have power.

How many of us remember a cutting remark someone made 20 years ago?  How about the unexpected compliment you got that long ago as well?  That old rhyme we used about sticks and stones never really worked for me.  Words have power.

Along with words having power, words can lose power when misused.  How many of us are not even shocked when we hear the "F" bomb being dropped in daily conversation.  This used to be a highly inflammatory four letter word and now it is getting to be common place.  It is losing its power to shock and offend due to over use.  We not only accept but really expect it from some comics, musicians and others in our lives.  I have to admit there still is a large shock potential to this word.  Example?  If my daughter says it, I'm not shocked; when she's mad she drops this bomb but if my mom or dad said it?  The world would stop spinning on its axis and all life would cease.  Total and complete shock.  They still have power with that word.  They have not abused or over used it.  I am ashamed to say I have let it lose some power as well but I think I can still reclaim some of the power by refusing to let this bomb drop way too often.

Any word that has power can lose power when abused, misused or over used.  Other words with power?


What power words did I miss?

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