Many Hats

Many Hats
Many Hats

Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday Morning Music - Music Lover's Hat

I would apologize to those of you who aren't a fan of Christmas  music, but I really like it so I'm not going to, lol.  I heard this song over the weekend, not this morning, but when I heard another song by the same artist I was reminded if this one and it struck a chord so it got the nod today.  Garth Brooks is a country legend, there is no denying this fact.  Although not necessarily one of my favorites, I do appreciate many of his songs and I thought I had heard them all until I heard Belleau Woods over the weekend.  It was The Christmas Truce 1914 during our first real World War.  In the middle of this new hell there was a shining moment of hope.  I can't even imagine what it would have been like to live through such a thing, and I dearly hope fewer and fewer citizens of the world have to know this amount of fear as the years go on and hopefully our compassion and knowledge grows.

I wish for you all Peace.

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