Many Hats

Many Hats
Many Hats

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday Morning Music - Musta Had a Good Time

I am an addict.

I freely admit it.  I am addicted to XM radio.  I love the no commercials interrupting my music.  I am still looking for the perfect channel, however.  You know the one, it plays just what I want to hear right when I want to hear it without me even knowing I want to hear it.  That doesn't seem to be too much to ask, does it?  If I win the lottery (which I didn't this past weekend, darn it) maybe I'll finance that station...or not, lol. 

Until I win and make my own station, I listen mostly to The Highway on channel 39 as country music is my favorite (as I'm sure you could tell by most of my posts) and one of the tings I like about them is they go out looking for new music.  This past week I heard a new song by a new (at least to me) group that caught my attention.  It is called "Musta Had a Good Time" by Parmalee.

"Musta Had a Good Time" describes that once in a lifetime party that happened spur of the moment and leaves you with lots of questions and vague memories but also the feeling that you are a party god to have pulled off such a feat.  Give it a listen and tell me what you think.  And if you're planning a party like this, give me a call.

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