Last night I woke up on the couch at 2am as my daughter came downstairs for something out of the kitchen. My neck was stiff, I was still in my work clothes, the tasks I had set for myself were, or course, not done and I did not feel at all rested although I had napped for over 3 hours. I dreaded getting up in the morning knowing I would have to drag myself through the entire day at work. On top of that, it is nearly impossible for me to go to sleep (yea, yea, I said nearly, didn’t I?) without spending a least a little bit of time reading. Great.
So I dragged myself upstairs, set the alarm and got ready for bed, mentally counting the hours I had left to try to get some real rest, and pick up my reader. I could read just a few pages and I was sure I’d pass right out…NOT. Ended 1 book and started another. It’s an addiction, it truly is, and not one that I plan on doing anything about sense it is mostly harmless. After all, I have gone through the day with only 2 or 3 hours of sleep before because of a new release or particularly gripping story and survived.
Anyway, the next time I surfaced I realized it was 3:30am and I had less than 3 hours until the cathedral bells of my alarm clock were going to rocket me into the dreaded morning light so I finally put the book away and let Morpheus take me under, already dreading the morning.
Did you know that a good dream can take a bad morning and turn it around before it even reaches you? I had no idea. I’ve had dreams before and they are almost always bizarre. Since I seriously doubt I will ever be in a flood with Johnathan Taylor Thomas and giraffes out on the savannah, let alone follow that up with stopping a robbery with a butter knife, I have never put great stock in the theory that dreams are prophetic or meaningful. Instead, I believe dreams are simply a way for your brain to entertain itself while you are occupied with recharging your battery. However, the dream I experienced last night leaves me hoping for more. Not that I want this dream to come true, mind you, because it really was bizarre, as is my pattern, but the feeling it left me with is one I would like to experience again and again.
So, parts of the dream are vague, as are all dream memories, but bits and pieces I have gone over and over in my head forcing myself to remember so I could share it with all of you. All 3 of you, lol. I remember being at a YMCA trying to get a chance to get in the pool with my mom. I’m not really sure what the problem was but I never did get in and there was a party I was suppose to help set up so I had to leave.
The party was for the daughter of a friend and I had her dress. I remember hanging the dress up, it got ruined, the Village People were there because I was comparing the daughter’s friend to the leather clad singer and then there he was, looking over my shoulder, a bit older but not ancient, agreeing with me about my assessment of the young man. As odd as it is, it is all background to the main focus, or at least my favorite part, of the dream. We had the daughter happy, the mother dressed and happy and through all the things that went wrong and were made right was a man who was helping to make everything right. When I was out of ideas, he came up with one, when I was too short, he was tall enough; to sum up, he was always ready to help but did not try to take over. He was tall, built, dark hair and maybe a mustache.
I don’t remember exactly what he looked like but I know I found him wildly attractive inside and out. He was the perfect hero with a bit of devil in him, a delightful combination to my mind. At the end, everyone was dressed except me, so I took out the dress that had been sent over and it was awful; completely hideous. It was a sailor type dress with at least 4 different colors and would have made me look like a beached whale on crack. But there he was again, pulled a red and black feather dress that was gorgeous.
It was tight and shaped just right. As I was putting on the dress I was again struck by how he always had the right thing to say or do to make me feel taken care of and powerful all at the same time. He was not only my salvation with the dress and was also very obviously attracted to me in the dress. Nothing makes a woman feel more attractive than seeing a man with lust and appreciation in his eyes. He was never too forward, but just a little naughty. As we were heading toward the party I pulled the door closed behind me and he leaned down, slowly, his eyes very focused on my lips...
And the alarm went off.
The party was for the daughter of a friend and I had her dress. I remember hanging the dress up, it got ruined, the Village People were there because I was comparing the daughter’s friend to the leather clad singer and then there he was, looking over my shoulder, a bit older but not ancient, agreeing with me about my assessment of the young man. As odd as it is, it is all background to the main focus, or at least my favorite part, of the dream. We had the daughter happy, the mother dressed and happy and through all the things that went wrong and were made right was a man who was helping to make everything right. When I was out of ideas, he came up with one, when I was too short, he was tall enough; to sum up, he was always ready to help but did not try to take over. He was tall, built, dark hair and maybe a mustache.
I don’t remember exactly what he looked like but I know I found him wildly attractive inside and out. He was the perfect hero with a bit of devil in him, a delightful combination to my mind. At the end, everyone was dressed except me, so I took out the dress that had been sent over and it was awful; completely hideous. It was a sailor type dress with at least 4 different colors and would have made me look like a beached whale on crack. But there he was again, pulled a red and black feather dress that was gorgeous.
It was tight and shaped just right. As I was putting on the dress I was again struck by how he always had the right thing to say or do to make me feel taken care of and powerful all at the same time. He was not only my salvation with the dress and was also very obviously attracted to me in the dress. Nothing makes a woman feel more attractive than seeing a man with lust and appreciation in his eyes. He was never too forward, but just a little naughty. As we were heading toward the party I pulled the door closed behind me and he leaned down, slowly, his eyes very focused on my lips...
And the alarm went off.
I hate that alarm.
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